記事番号1896へのコメントmilkteaさんは No.1896「Re:食品中間素材」で書きました。
>intermediate food products (IFPs) という定訳を
多少文字化けしていますが、以下の記述を見ますとintermediate food
As India痴 food processing industry becomes more sophisticated,
demand for quality intermediate food products and ingredients is
expected to grow. Many of India痴 major food processing
companies have expressed interest in importing intermediate food
products such as cheese powders, flavourings, mixes and
わたくしが見つけましたのは、以下のように(food) processing aidと
Processing aid
In the UK Food Labelling Regulations 1984, 'processing
aids' are
not separately defined; but the definition of 'additive'
processing aids insofar as they added to, or used in or on,
food'. It
follows that a processing aid is an additive which
processing without significantly influencing the character
properties of the finished product. Examples would be a
release agent used to coat the inside of tablet moulds, or a
used to allow bread to be released from baking tins or
trays. There
are, however, anomalous instances. For example, if an anti-
agent is added to a powder ingredient to facilitate its flow
properties while being conveyed to a mixer, where it is
into a liquid product or a dough for baking, the anti-caking
agent is
used solely as a processing aid, and hence need not be
declared. If
however, that powder ingredient is directly packed into
for sale as such, or is incorporated in a dry mix product,
anti-caking agent is not acting solely as a processing aid
and must
be declared as an additive.
Nutritive food additives help maintain or improve the
nutritional quality of food. For instance, vitamin D is added to
milk or calcium is sometimes added to orange juice. cosmetic
additives, such as sweeteners, enhance the sensory quality of
food. Color additives effect the acceptability and marketability
of foods. Flavorings can be either natural or synthetic, and
preservatives help maintain freshness and quality of foods.
Other additives, used as processing aids, act as emulsifiers,
stabilizers, thickeners, and agents for pH control, leavening,
bleaching, and anticaking.